Live & Wired Ep 121: The Jury Decides

It seems a lot of people are making a lot of declarative statements about horror movie reviews a lot of things lately.. but even when it's not required, ...Source: horror movies Live & Wired Ep 121: The Jury Decides - Decker Shado More Videos

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Black Dawn Movie Review

Week seven of the Summer of Steven Seagal brings us to his 2005 offering, Black Dawn. In this basic action movie where Seagal must stop terrorists who of course have no problem securing a nuclear device, and science fiction movie reviews rogue agents whom want them to have the nuke for some strange reason... Seagal's presence is somewhat funny ho

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It is difficult to save money Decker Shado movie reviews when you are unemployed.View our more blogsBad FilmsPoorly Executed ErrorsMonsters - Black And WhiteThe Pinocchio TheoryShitty MoviesCult Movies And TastyOnline Movie Flicks

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Monster Island (2019) [Bad Movie]

Monster Island, The Asylum's 2019 mockbuster that was released around the same time as Godzilla: King of the Monsters, is about an island called Monster Island where a monster may be discovered, who is sort of the island, the Monster Island, (Monster Island from Decker Shado) if you will. As an asylum film, it is able to afford a large bud

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